Protect Your Home in Washington with Earthquake Insurance

In Washington, earthquakes are a daily occurrence, placing the state at the second-highest risk in the U.S. for significant seismic events. This high risk is due to Washington's geologic features, including numerous active faults and fault zones, such as the Seattle fault and the southern Whidbey Island fault zone, which run directly beneath densely populated areas.

Among these, the Cascadia subduction zone is the largest active fault affecting Washington and the entire Pacific Northwest. It's known for producing some of the most powerful earthquakes in the world. While a major quake is certain to happen, predicting its timing remains challenging.

Given this context, securing earthquake insurance is a prudent decision for Washington homeowners. You can add this coverage to your existing homeowner's policy or opt for a standalone earthquake insurance policy. While most providers in Washington offer deductibles ranging from 10% to 25%, our policies feature deductibles as low as 2.5% for standalone coverage. Many of our clients enjoy not only the benefit of lower deductibles but also significant savings on their annual premiums.

Don't wait for the ground to shake to consider the safety and security of your home and loved ones. Fill out our quote form today to explore your options for earthquake insurance in Washington. Ensure your peace of mind by being prepared and protected against the seismic challenges unique to our state.

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