New CEA Earthquake Insurance Changes in California: What You Need to Know for 2024

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The California Earthquake Authority (CEA) has made significant changes to its coverage options, effective for new policies written on or after August 1, 2023, and for renewals on or after November 1, 2023. Here’s a breakdown of the key changes and their implications:

CEA Coverage Changes

Reasons Behind the Changes

The CEA states that these changes are necessary to maintain financial stability and prevent significant premium increases for policyholders. The claim the following factors have contributed to this need:

Homeowners affected by these changes should consult with their insurance agents to understand how their coverage and premiums may be impacted and explore other insurance options if necessary.

We have several top rated earthquake insurance providers that offer an alternative to the CEA with lower deductible options and broader coverages.

For more detailed information about the policy changes and their implications, you can refer to the official CEA announcements and documentation​ here.